Meditation . Restorative Yoga . Reiki. * Private Sessions*
I am a certified Integral Hatha/Iyengar Yoga Instructor. I specialize in finding an individual approach toward each student to address his/her/they specific needs and help them to restore the balance in those areas in life where it has been shifted or blocked. I call this process "Art Therapy" in which I use body movements, breathing, music, natural stones and crystals, and essential oils to create a unique experience where we can relax our bodies, quiet our minds, and cleanse our emotions. In my sessions, I incorporate traditional restorative (yin) yoga exercises, general therapeutic stretching exercises, and basic breathing techniques.
To schedule your session email to Kristina at or text 425-749-0989
Private session fee for a 60-min session: 1 session $80, 4 sessions $290
To schedule your session email to Kristina at or text 425-749-0989
Private session fee for a 60-min session: 1 session $80, 4 sessions $290
The word "meditation" carries different meanings in different contexts. The term "meditation" refers to a broad variety of practices that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force, develop compassion, love, generosity and forgiveness, as well as to get beyond the reflexive (thinking, logical) mind into a deeper state. The most common meditation technique is to turn attention to a single point of reference. It can involve focusing on the breath, image, bodily sensations, or on a word or a phrase. In other words, meditation means turning your attention from distracting thoughts and focusing on the present moment while remaining on the waking state of consciousness.
Studies have shown that there are many benefits for practicing meditation. However, in my view, the goal of meditation is not to attain any known benefits, but to accept whatever might reveal itself during meditation. In a sense, it is the hardest and the joyous benefit of it. The less you expect from your practice, the more will come. All you need is to open your heart, be honest in your intention, be willing to receive, and be willing to accept.
Remember that there is no better teacher than you, but there is a greater energy than i-self. You are something more than the collection of your emotions, thoughts, preconceptions, and all the information and memories stored inside your brain. You are not your thoughts, nor your emotions, nor your body, nor your mind - you are greater than all of these things. I believe that the meditation itself is one of the greatest tools to achieve such realization. None can force you to it; none can restrain you from it. Meditation finds you when you need it the most.
Studies have shown that there are many benefits for practicing meditation. However, in my view, the goal of meditation is not to attain any known benefits, but to accept whatever might reveal itself during meditation. In a sense, it is the hardest and the joyous benefit of it. The less you expect from your practice, the more will come. All you need is to open your heart, be honest in your intention, be willing to receive, and be willing to accept.
Remember that there is no better teacher than you, but there is a greater energy than i-self. You are something more than the collection of your emotions, thoughts, preconceptions, and all the information and memories stored inside your brain. You are not your thoughts, nor your emotions, nor your body, nor your mind - you are greater than all of these things. I believe that the meditation itself is one of the greatest tools to achieve such realization. None can force you to it; none can restrain you from it. Meditation finds you when you need it the most.
My Students' Reviews:
"Amazing yoga instructor and lovely person!Kristina has changed our lives. We began with one private lesson, and because of her, we will continue forever. She has wonderful demeanor, delightful personality and a great style of teaching. She provides variety and is very focused on individual need and utmost attentive to every move. She is the best!! A joy to know:)" ~ Debra Farley (a student since December 2015)
"Amazing yoga instructor and lovely person!Kristina has changed our lives. We began with one private lesson, and because of her, we will continue forever. She has wonderful demeanor, delightful personality and a great style of teaching. She provides variety and is very focused on individual need and utmost attentive to every move. She is the best!! A joy to know:)" ~ Debra Farley (a student since December 2015)
Art Therapy.
Based on the experiential and relational approach, the participants of the session will be grouped in pairs. Each pair will do a partner work following the steps described further. In the partnership, each partner will have a role: a protagonist – the one who tells the story, and a receiver – the one who watches, reflects and responds. Wear comfortable clothing, barefoot or socks, bring a bottle filled with water.
The steps of the process worked in partnership:
1) The protagonist will be asked to remember difficult life situations to which he/she has uneasy or undefined feelings.
2) The protagonist will be asked to express this situation and feelings using only their body language and gestures.
3) The receiver will be asked to reflect his/her feelings, emotions, reactions, body sensations and images that were arising when they were in contact with protagonist.
4) The two (receiver and protagonist) will be asked to engage in spontaneous dialogue, using only body language and gestures, to communicate with each other whatever will arise.
5) At the end of the process, the protagonist will be asked to note everything that was important during this process. The notes can be taken in writing in silence, can be spoken out to the group, or memorized and integrated with time.
These sessions are offered in group format of 2 to 4 people or in private session:
Fee for a 60-min group session: $35 per person
Fee for a 50-min private session: $80 or a package of 4 sessions for $280.
To schedule your private session or sign-up for a group session email to Kristina at or text 425-749-0989
The steps of the process worked in partnership:
1) The protagonist will be asked to remember difficult life situations to which he/she has uneasy or undefined feelings.
2) The protagonist will be asked to express this situation and feelings using only their body language and gestures.
3) The receiver will be asked to reflect his/her feelings, emotions, reactions, body sensations and images that were arising when they were in contact with protagonist.
4) The two (receiver and protagonist) will be asked to engage in spontaneous dialogue, using only body language and gestures, to communicate with each other whatever will arise.
5) At the end of the process, the protagonist will be asked to note everything that was important during this process. The notes can be taken in writing in silence, can be spoken out to the group, or memorized and integrated with time.
These sessions are offered in group format of 2 to 4 people or in private session:
Fee for a 60-min group session: $35 per person
Fee for a 50-min private session: $80 or a package of 4 sessions for $280.
To schedule your private session or sign-up for a group session email to Kristina at or text 425-749-0989
Photo: Katherine Morris and Kristina Ivanova. All rights reserved (c) 2019
Website content and design: Kristina Ivanova. All rights reserved (c) 2019
Website content and design: Kristina Ivanova. All rights reserved (c) 2019